Friday, January 3, 2014

My Path to Herbs
I've heard that the way to be truly happy, is to think back on your childhood and reflect on the things that you dreamed about -  the things that you loved doing - and form your career around those things. 

From 1996 to January of 2006, I made aviation my life.  I worked with everything I had to become an airline pilot.  I ate, slept and drank aviation. I was going to get a cushy job with a major airline, make 6 figures, and live happily ever after.  Well, once I got my first job at a commuter airline, I realized that I wasn't going to see a "cushy" lifestyle any time soon, and after 9/11, flying jobs in the airline industry would never be as "cushy" as they once were.  Pilots were going to be expected to work hard and make a lot less money.  I wasn't afraid of hard work, but I had made my career choice based on the fact that someday, I would be able to have children and work maybe 10 days a month - you know, have my cake and eat it too. Aaahhh the dreams of youth. Then one day, after I had been a pilot for Horizon Air for about 1 year, I was on a company trip when I saw a poster in a hotel gym that had a picture of a man's hand, with an infant's tiny hand resting in the palm of it.  The caption on the poster read, "Life isn't about what you get, it's about what you give."  The message hit me like I had just run into a brick wall.  I walked back to my hotel room almost in a daze.  I knew that message was significant for my path in life.  I knew it was a message from God - that I was on the wrong path. I KNEW it! Once I read that poster it was as if every cell in my body changed in an instant.  I was no longer the same person.  I had a new dream. Until then, I had convinced myself that being an airline pilot was making me happy, but deep down, I was tired and lonely.  I dreamed of being a grandmother someday and having grandchildren at my feet while I rocked away in my rocking chair on the front porch.  I knew that at the age of 29, the Lord was hitting me over the head and saying, "Get to it if that's what you want!" 
Three years later, I gave birth to our first son, Colin.  Becoming a mother was the most beautiful experience of my life.  Three months later when my company called me back to work, I knew that I couldn't leave our little miracle to be raised by a nanny and for me to be away from him for days at a time.  So my husband and I had a serious talk and we prayerfully decided that I would resign and he would be the main bread winner and I would be the best stay-at-home mom ever!  Two years and 10 months later, I gave birth to our second son, Liam.  So now, I have two beautiful boys looking to me for guidance, nurturing, education, and for their health and happiness. 
Being a mother is the most challenging thing I have ever done.  Yes, it is harder than learning to fly an airplane.  I now understand that moms deserve our utmost respect and honor for all they give for their children's lives. 
In my journey as a mother, I was faced with providing proper health care and nutrition for my boys.  I have turned to essential oils and herbs for the main foundation for our family's health care needs and wow! has it been a journey of discovery!  We have found that by using natural means to heal our family, we are sick less and when we do get sick, it doesn't last long.  I no longer feel helpless when my children get sick.  I have gained skills, and daily I am learning more, that has empowered me to be my family's best doctor.
When I was a little girl, I used to dream of wearing a sun dress, and running barefoot through a field of grasses and daisies.  I used to ask myself, "How could that dream ever be turned into a career that could possibly bring any source of income?" Well now I know.  With each new herb I learn about, I get excited, because it not only helps my family but it also can help many others who might be looking for a more natural approach to body care products and better daily health.  I am currently enrolled in a Master Herbalist course under the School of Natural Healing.  I am also a certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist.  My goal is to love first, care for the individual, and then apply what I have learned for the client's benefit.  The Lord has given us everything we need to be healthy through the bounty of the earth.  We just need to relearn how to use it.  My passion is for God, my family, and healing with herbs. 

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord
Psalms 33:5.

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